Monday, February 26, 2007


just been reminded of the german word 'schmuck', which i think has re-entered my top 3 fave german words (the first being 'schnupfen', meaning a runny nose). it means jewellry, junk, decoration-like crap. when i lived in germany people would comment on how much i liked me schmuck!!

Here are some pics of my housemate and her piece, which was a rush job i'm afraid.she left about 3 weeks ago, but i've been a bit slack on the old blog y'see. i customised an old shirt with a mandarin collar, using applique techniques and monoprinting images of a little Buddha, which i tea-leaved out of a book on Buddhism (funnily enough). I wanted to use inappropriate religious imagery mixed with safariesque Africana especially for her because, even though i only lived with her for 3 weeks, she sparked off lots of conversations about religion between me and my friends. not wanting to comment too much, lets just say some of her views were a little bit..uh.. FUCKING PURITANICAL..only jesting, Liesel, me ole mucker if you're reading. Anyway, hopefully the piece will be sending me postcards like those travelling gnomes (Amelie). Wotchout for the cheesy grin!

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