Monday, May 21, 2007

Here are some designs and pictures of a dress i have been making out of yellow sandbags, which i acquired after a spot of drunken skip-raiding. The idea of it is to incorporate function in order to enable autonomy and create a sort of one man band, whilst simultaneously highlighting certain social imbalances. I have been experimenting with the idea of sewing in holdalls for the pedlar to store their knockoff goods in or a cart which is wheeled along within the dress. Other possibilities i may explore are creating tunnels within the dress to allow others to burrow in and have multiple openings in order to facilitate more than one wearer.

The material itself conjures up notions of construction and refuge and links with the idea of building a defense around the body. I am therefore treating clothing as a means of providing the intimacy and protection found in a building. With the performance pictures shown i was trying to thing about the bags as containers which could also double up as a shelter of sorts.

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