Monday, February 26, 2007


I suddenly found out last week, that me mate yani was returning to Sierra leone (she's working for an NGO there). Suspecting that the post might be a bit slow getting there, i ripped a scrap of fabric off the nearest cow and made her a few stitches . I don't want the pieces to be finished pieces, more like blank canvases, open to transformation and outside embellishment. I'm really hoping they will end up completely out of control, but who's to say. I asked yani to keep the piece with her for a couple of weeks before she passes it on and sew, weave, attach, glue, stain anything she wants into the piece. It almost becomes like creating the ultimate souvenir without leaving my armchair. When i receive it back, maybe i will transform it into something completely different, like a bench or a set of Louis Vuitton luggage.

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